Vendart is an Arts closed Corporation that features independent creative’s in visual art, film, fashion and music. Hendrick Nekhofhe, Takalani Ligege, Shumani Sidogi, Avhashoni Mainganye, Mishack Raphalalani, Tshivhandekano, et al.
Vendart encompasses the interconnectedness of arts, culture and heritage.
Every brushstroke is a journey. Sometimes we get lost. If we didn’t, the end would always be the same. The strange power of arts is that sometimes it can show what people have in common is more urgent than what differentiates them. Culture is constantly reinventing itself. Although its form may change, it always retains its essence. Culture is alive; always in a state of flux…it does not belong to anyone.
Capturing the world into paintings is a daunting, but entirely
enjoyable, task. We've compiled a small sampling from this artists
to share the world as they see it here on this site. Feel free to
look around and let us know what you think!
If you're interested in scheduling a portrait painting please
contact us through the contact form or by calling to get the ball
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